Living with Less: 7 Tips to Start Decluttering Your Home

declutter to live with less

Have you looked around your home recently and noticed how much stuff you’ve accumulated over the years? You probably have an ever-increasing assortment of furniture, possessions, electronics, knick knacks, and clutter that make up the day-to-day trappings of your modern life. 

What if you were to whittle down everything that’s in your living space to just the essential items – the things that you actually need? This is the essence of minimalism where you don’t just declutter, you get rid of all the extra stuff and live clutter-free, forever. 

Here are 7 tips to help you adopt a minimalist lifestyle and start living more by living with less.

1. Begin with a box

Don’t expect to declutter your entire life right away, it will take time. Start by putting a box in every room. Any items you haven’t used in ages should go into the box. Collect up all your boxes for donation. If there are some things you’re worried that you might need at some point, store those items for six months and then give them away.     


2. Ask Yourself: Does this add value to my life?

Look at every item in your house one by one and ask yourself this one simple question – “Does this add value to my life?” If it doesn’t, then put it in a box to donate or sell.  

3. Cut back on clothes

We all have clothes taking up space in our closets that we never wear. Get rid of all the extra clothes – once they’re gone you won’t miss them. High-quality clothes and accessories in good shape could be sent to a consignment store or you could try and sell them online.  

declutter closet clothes

4. Create a clutter-free zone.

Start your minimalist lifestyle by removing the clutter from a few select places, such as a bathroom counter, the kitchen corner or a drawer. Every time you look at it you will appreciate the simplicity and organization. Continue doing that throughout your house to start living with less and enjoying it more.  

5. Ditch the duplicates.

Go around your home looking for duplicates of the many household items we own such as kitchen utensils, blenders, coffee makers, dish sets, tablecloths, books, power tools, soap dispensers, etc. Box up the duplicates for donation.  

6. Remove excess furniture.

Chances are there are extra pieces of furniture kicking around in your home that you don’t need. Getting rid of excess furniture will make your living space feel lighter, larger and give you more room to move around. You can quickly declutter by moving the excess furniture into a storage unit. Later on, you can sell or donate the extra furniture.   

declutter furniture

7. When in doubt, send it to storage.

Learning to live with less is a process that will continue over time. As you start eliminating the excess from your life, there may be items that you aren’t quite ready to part with or that you want to sell. Renting a self-storage unit is a good solution. It’s secure and affordable. You can also safely sell your items from your storage unit. 

Not sure how much storage space you’ll need? Call us and we can recommend the right size unit.


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